Question 18: If Else

A group of friends decided to spend a day practicing good behavior by helping others in their community. Each friend had $200 saved up. Write a Python program to calculate how much each friend has left after contributing to different charitable activities.

Start by defining the initial amount saved as saved_amount and set it to 200.

  • Ask each friend how much they donated to a local charity and store it in charity_donation.
  • Ask how much they spent buying gifts for the elderly in their neighborhood and store it in gifts_cost.
  • Ask how much they spent organizing a community clean-up event and store it in cleanup_cost.
  • Ask how much they spent on refreshments for volunteers and store it in refreshments_cost.
  • Calculate the total amount spent by adding up charity_donation, gifts_cost, cleanup_cost, and refreshments_cost.
  • Subtract the total amount spent from saved_amount to find the remaining balance.
  • Use an if condition to check if the remaining balance is positive or if they spent more than they saved.
  • Print a message that tells them how much money they have left and whether they have any savings left or if they spent more than they saved.
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