Question 16: Lists+

Grocery Shopping App

You’re tasked with creating a Grocery Shopping App for users to plan and manage their grocery lists efficiently. Imagine a user who wants to streamline their grocery shopping process. They need an app that allows them to set a budget, create a shopping list, and manage the list with various operations.

Your task is to implement this app in Python using input, functions with parameters, lists, operators, and features like append, insert, length counting, replacing items, and a for loop.Instructions

1. Set a Budget

  • Ask the user for their shopping budget in dollars.

2. Create a Shopping List

  • Allow the user to enter multiple grocery items to build their initial list.

3. Provide List Management Features

  • Implement the following operations through a menu:
    1. Add a New Item: Append a new item to the end of the list.
    2. Insert an Item: Insert an item at a specific position in the list.
    3. Count Total Items: Display the number of items in the list.
    4. Count Occurrences of an Item: Display how many times a specific item appears in the list.
    5. Replace an Item: Replace an existing item with a new one.
    6. Display the List: Show all items in the list.

4. Build Dynamic Updates

  • Use a for loop to repeatedly process the user’s choices until they decide to exit.

5. Provide a Final Summary

  • At the end of the session, display the final list and the total number of items.
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