Question 1: List

A family is planning a camping trip and needs to pack essential items. They start with an empty list and add items as they think of what they need for the trip.

Write a Python program to help them create a packing list.

  1. Start by defining an empty list called packing_list.
  2. Ask each family member to input an item they think is essential for the trip.
  3. Add each item to the packing_list.
  4. After each addition, use an if condition to check:
    • If the list already has more than 15 items, print a message suggesting they may be overpacking.
    • If the list already contains the item (i.e., a duplicate item), print a message that the item is already packed.
  5. Once everyone has finished adding items, print the complete packing_list to review what’s been packed.
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