Question 13: List

Adventure Gear Store

You’re preparing for an exciting outdoor adventure and visit the Adventure Gear Store to pick up essential gear. The store has everything you need, from hiking boots to a camping tent. Use the program to decide which items to buy and keep track of your adventure gear list.

  1. Start by defining an empty shopping list:

    • Use the list gear_list to store the names of the items you choose to purchase.
  2. Choose items to buy:

    • The program will ask you for each item if you want to buy it:
      Press 1 to buy [item] or 2 to not.
    • Available items include:
      • Hiking Boots
      • Backpack
      • Camping Tent
      • Sleeping Bag
      • Flashlight
    • If you select an item, its name will be added to gear_list.
  3. Check your shopping summary:

    • At the end of your shopping, the program will display:
      • The total number of items purchased.
      • The list of items you bought.
Write what you are looking for, and press enter to begin your search!