Employee Payroll Management System
Imagine you are developing a Payroll Management System for a small company to help HR track employee salaries efficiently. The company needs a structured way to store employee details, calculate salaries, and generate payroll summaries.
Your task is to design a Python application that allows HR to:
- Store employee details such as name, ID, position, salary..
- Retrieve and update employee records dynamically.
- Handle invalid inputs using try-except for robust error handling.
- Convert and manipulate data types where necessary.
The HR department needs a menu-driven program that allows them to:
1. Initialize Employee Records
- Use a list of dictionaries where each dictionary stores employee details (
). - Ensure each employee has a unique ID (integer) and a valid salary.
2. Pexpected interaction example
Expected Interaction Example
Welcome to the Payroll Management System
- Add Employee
- Update Employee Salary
- Remove Employee
- Show All Employees
- Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter Employee ID: 101
Enter Name: Alice Johnson
Enter Position: Software Engineer
Enter Salary: 5000
Employee added successfully!
(Next, the user can update, delete, or calculate salaries.)
Payroll Summary
Total Employees: 10
Total Payroll Expense: $50,000
Highest Salary: John Doe ($7,500)
Lowest Salary: Jane Smith ($3,200)
Returning to Main Menu…
The program should allow the user to:
Add a new employee with their details.
Update an employee’s salary.
Delete an employee from the system using their ID.
Retrieve an employee’s details by searching with their ID.
Display all employees sorted by salary in descending order.
3. Implement Robust Error Handling
- Use try-except to handle invalid inputs (e.g., non-numeric salary entries).
- Ensure employee IDs are unique.
4. Use Various Python Features
- Dictionaries to store individual employee details.
- Loops to navigate menus and process multiple employees.).